
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Megan Overman
110 Longstreet Ave.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(804) 366-0714

Objective: to obtain a full time teaching position in English at the middle or high school level.  

BA English, University of Mary Washington, spring 2012
               Cum Laude (3.46 GPA)

Study Abroad Program: University of Westminster; London, UK; fall 2010 

Professional Work Experience:
Student Teaching Internship
·         Battlefield Middle School, Spotsylvania County Public Schools, fall 2012
o   English 6
§  Assumed full responsibility of planning, implementation, and assessment for eight weeks.
§  Differentiated classwork and instruction for a diverse range of learners, including general education students, SCOPE (gifted) students, and students with specific learning disabilities in reading comprehension and written expression.
§  Attended Back to School Night, parent/teacher conferences, IEP meetings, PCS (Powerful Conversations about Struggling Students) meetings, PLC (Professional Learning Community) meetings, and bi-weekly collaboration meetings with the 6th grade English department.
§  Planned and implemented a month-long unit focusing on reading strategies and reading comprehension.
§  Worked regularly with various educational technologies, including: smart board, document camera projector, iPad, and Power Point.
§  Chaperoned a 7th Grade Civics field trip to Philadelphia.

Color Guard Instructor
·         James Monroe High School, Fredericksburg Public Schools, fall 2009
o   Organized and coached the color guard team.
o   Choreographed and taught routines, as well as field positions.

Full-Time Babysitter and Tutor
·         Three children (ages 6, 8, and 10) summer 2011
o   Tutored children in reading comprehension, writing skills, and math, while providing childcare.

Practicum Placements
·         Spotsylvania Middle School, Spotsylvania County Public Schools, fall 2009, 20 hrs.
o   English 6
§  Assisted teacher with daily routines, such as reviewing homework.
§  Used smart board technology to review vocabulary.
§  Worked individually with an academically struggling student in ISS.
·         Mountain View High School, Stafford County Public Schools, spring 2010, 30 hrs.
o   English 12 Dual Enrollment
§  Planned and implemented a 90 minute lesson on Oscar Wilde’s drama The Importance of Being Earnest.
§  Differentiated instruction for gifted students.
·         Post Oak Middle School, Spotsylvania County Public Schools, spring 2011, 50 hrs.
o   English 7
§  Assisted teacher with the instruction of a poetry unit. This included the planning and implementation of two 90 minute lessons using paired passages and popular music.
§  Worked individually with students to write and create poetry books.

Club officer: UMW Enigma Color Guard 2009-2011
·         Assisted in choreographing routines, leading practices, and planning events.

Awards and Honors:
Cum Laude

Professional Affiliations:
(VEA) Virginia Education Association
(NEA) National Education Association
(NSCS) National Society of Collegiate Scholars

References available upon request.

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